
into the face
of the full moon


in the shadows

Kurad Le'hsbreen
(Dungeon Scribe)

This chamber of our Dungeon is for those people with the need to voice an opinion. We became aware of the need for this room, when Keepers from around the realm mailed us with different comments that they just felt had to be voiced in a forum for the likes of them. Well here it is. If you have a question for your fellow keepers or something that you just have to get off your mind mail us, with the subject stating: "Off the record". And please mail us when you've received an answer and we'll take your notice off the page - thanx!
BTW - you can mail the people directly by clicking their names - no need to go through us!

Jeff Stewart is annoyed that so many of our hints are concerned with subjects that are in the rulebook already - which means that a lot of the people out there didn't support Bullfrog by actually buying the game. We got these "hints" from him:

hintersname=Disgruntled Browser
hint=To pick up a creature, move the mouse
over him and click the left mouse button. Now you can drop the creature on any land that you've claimed!!!
submit=Scribe these words in the Book of Wisdom

hint=To read the manual, first buy Dungeon Keeper by going to your local software store and handing the clerk about $50.00. Then go home, open the box, and you'll find the manual!

hint=Little is it known, but there is actually a hint book for Dungeon Keeper! To find it, get in a car, go to a software store, and ask a clerk where it is! WARNING: simply finding the hint book won't let you use it when you're playing! You have to buy it too!

hintersname=Disgruntled Browser - Jeff Stewart
hint=Here's a REAL hint: let's review all
the hints that are sent in for VALUE. I've read through all of the hints on the page, and I know, since I've actually BOUGHT the product, that over half of them are described in the manual. Now I'm not saying that there isn't any useful information here, but reading a message from someone who thinks that the computer assistant is a new secret discovery is assinine. IT'S IN THE MANUAL! Where are the REAL hints? Like how to delegate imp-work between digging, mining, fortifying, and fighting with the least amount of trouble? Or the most efficient way to build a dungeon given a situation? How should I go about defeating an enemy Reaper? What about those damned traps - when should I try to disarm them and when should I try to avoid them? I'd request that you give your readers a new hint: let's not submit things that are SIMPLE, COMMON SENSE (Sell rooms to get extra cash! DUH!) Instead, let's try to submit some helpful strategy or cheats that could actually -help- someone defeat that enemy keeper across the dungeon.

submit=Scribe these words in the Book of Wisdom

(We received some real hints from Jeff too, they're in the Book of Wisdom)

Hi, I've got a problem on about level 7'ish
My imps just won't mine any gold, do you know if anybody else has had the
same problems and what to do to sort it out ?

cheers Justin Hannan

Hy there .... Today I discovered a level that says I can find KAIN in there ... all I have to do is to find him in a huge labyrinth... So ... do you guys know about that level ?! If so .. can you tell me where to find him ? I obviously can't ...

Yours, Michael

Coren is definitely NOT a happy camper and feels that Bullfrog have included some grave errors in the game. He's been mailing Bullfrog concerning this, and has gotten an unsatisfactory reply (4 Kb). He asks everybody who agrees with his views to mail Bullfrog and ask them to get working on fixing it.

I'm not sure what I did, but after doing something or other, my number keys wouldn't work, and my FKeys made sounds of monster voices saying things like: "My dungeon is the finest you'll ever see" and such. There were lots of sounds-tell me if ya can figure out how I did it! Answer to Easter Egg

How do you beat Hearth? It's the one where you start in the middle of the map and the computer keeps sending heroes from 4 sides. I can't seem to even get close. Every time I kill a hero, one more comes to take it's place and my warlocks don't research fast enough for me to get a prison and torture chamber. Please help. The Rabbi

Oh yeah, i have the same problem as The Rabbi it is hard as hell. i put 2 dragons 2 warlocks, and a demonspawn (or something) to research, it got to the hold audience spell, than just wouldnt get another one, LIKE HEAL, which would be most helpful on this level. i found the secret passageway that leads to the ressurect creature thingy... i would most appreciat any help on this problem

I can't get a modem game to work!!! It just says initializing modem..... no response. My friend has the same problem. All the options are set correctly, and I have no idea what could be wrong. My modem works for all the other games and applications......... Would someone please tell me what's wrong.

I just wondered if anyone else has had the same problem as my self. I am running Windows 95, with a Cyrix 686 166+ processor have 32 meg, a 2.5 gig hard drive thats only half full, and a 2meg svga graphics card. I have bought DK and think it is a brilliant game, however every so often the map selector screen just locks up, has anyone else had this problem and if so how do I stop it happening again. Thanks a lot

Playing over modem with a friend we have the same problem over and over and over again. The game either freezes, and if it does unfreeze, one of us is dropped without the other knowning OR it decides to resynch. Once we waited the 15-20 min for it to resynch (33.6 modem connection) and after about 30-45 min it froze! So far I've only finished a multiplayer game with him after he was dropped (I just kept on playing). Can anyone help?
Jeremy Noone

And a little something from ourselves:
A lot of people write and ask: "How do you take screenshots in DK?"
You can grab pictures yourself with a shareware program called: "Hypersnap-DX" which is available at:

It let's you take screendumps from all Direct X games, like Command &Conquer, Theme Hospital etc...and if you get a really great shot, let's see it!